Website Development Agreement
This Website Development Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into as of 29/05/2024 [Date], by and between Peshawari Dhaba [Client Name], with its principal place of business at Shop Number 5 , Palika Bazaar, Connaught Place, 110001 [Client Address], and DA Futuristics, with its principal place of business at WB-116, Second Floor, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi 110092, India [Developer Address].
- Scope of Work
Developer agrees to design, develop, and deliver a website [Website address] or any other client suggests for the Client, as per the specifications outlined as discussed. The Website shall include but not be limited to the following features:
- A Dynamic Website with Automation for Delivery and Takeaway
- Payment Gateway Integration (as per needed)
- 10GB space for images and videos
- Web traffic Limit up to 5000 visitors per month
- Mailing Features
- WhatsApp Integration
- One Domain Name
- One SSL
- Payment
Client shall pay Developer the total sum of Rupees Twenty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Only (₹22,999/-) minus the discount of Rupees Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Only (₹9,999/-) which totals to Rupees Thirteen Thousand Only (₹13,000/-) (which is only exclusive to the client namely “Peshawari Dhaba”) for the purchase of domain, hosting, and other necessary services for the Website setup. This payment shall be made in advance before the website development process has been started.
Additionally, Client shall pay Developer the sum of Rupees One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Only (₹1,999/-) minus the discount of Rupees Five Hundred Only (₹500/-) which totals to Rupees One Thousand Four Hundred Only (₹1,499/-) (which is only exclusive to the client namely “Peshawari Dhaba” ) monthly for maintenance and support of the Website. This monthly payment shall commence upon completion of the Website and continue for the duration of this Agreement.
- Ownership
- Upon completion and full payment of the Website setup fee, the Website shall be the solely the property of Peshawari Dhaba [Client Name] but will be in care of DA FUTURISTICS for the period of 1 year as per the web development charge waiver condition.
- Client shall have all the ownership rights to the Website, including but not limited to the code, design, content, and every related intellectual property.
- In the event that Client desires call of the agreement of one year with the developer, The client will have to return the Developer with the discount that was previously provided to them, and based on factors including but not limited to market value, development costs, and any enhancements made to the Website since its creation which in this case will be Rupees Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Only (₹9,999/-) that was the discount provided for development and Rupees One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Nine Only (₹1499/-) multiplied by the month remaining from the contract.
- Term and Termination
This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until terminated by either party upon 30 days after intimation and the reason should be stated clearly in any written format (preferably email).
- Confidentiality
Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary, monetary, or sensitive information disclosed during the course of this Agreement.
- Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and understandings.